About LioChem
LioChem is a leading manufacturer of quality printing inks, coatings, plastic colorants, and functional dispersions. Founded in 1988 as part of the worldwide artience group, LioChem merged dispersion technology systems from Japan with innovative manufacturing facilities in the US to become a recognized industry leader. Emphasis on technology, education, and extensive support services has led to a solid reputation for achieving customer satisfaction in highly competitive markets.

About Brand Name
artience is a combination of the words “art” and “science.”
The “art” expresses the stimulation of the five senses and the mind, including the application of color as well as a liberal arts perspective; while the “science” represents the application of technology, materials and a rational approach to discovery.
It expresses the idea that the group will contribute to realizing a future in which everyone can live enriched lives, by providing society with “value that resonates with the senses” and that moves people's hearts and minds. This value is born from the fusion and refinement of the group's strengths in art and science.